Toowoomba West Special School has a broad range of professional and support staff who deliver educational programs to our students using a multidisciplinary team approach. In addition, the school is the base location for professional staff who work in itinerant capacities across the Darling Downs South West Region.
Administration Team
Principal – Mr Glenn
Prep - Year 2
Deputy Principal - Ms Amy
Head of Department (Curriculum) - Ms Rachael
Year 3 - Year 6
Deputy Principal - Ms Steph
Head of Department (Curriculum) - Ms Theresa
Business Manager – Ms Alison
Administrative Officers – Ms Sandra, Ms Jane and Ms Britt
Teaching Team
Classroom Teachers
Teachers at Toowoomba West Special are expert teachers. They have expert knowledge in pedagogical practice (how to teach) and curriculum content (what to teach). Teachers have an in-depth knowledge in the areas of disability (Intellectual Impairment, Autism, Physical Impairment, Vision Impairment and Hearing Impairment); the use and teaching of communication (Auslan, Augmentative and Alternative Communication) and student wellbeing.
Teacher Aides
Our teacher aides are an integral part of our teaching team. The majority of the teacher aides have certificate qualifications in the area of teacher aide studies in a range of areas. Each class has a teacher aide with additional aide time to support the specific needs of the student cohort. Our teacher aides support our students to access the curriculum, assist in health and personal care, therapy and provide support in social access activities such as excursions. In addition our teacher aides provide significant support to the life of the school including preparation of specialist resources and operating the school library.
The school also has support personnel who are not here full-time, but are available for consultation to teaching staff when students are referred. These include:
Registered Nurse
Occupational Therapist
Speech Language-Pathologist
Guidance Officer
Advisory Visiting Teachers on a needs basis for Vision, Hearing and Physical Impairment
Ancillary Team
Our school facilities, grounds and gardens are maintained by our hard-working ancillary staff consisting of: